Fanny Orlhac and Stéphanie Challita received L'Oréal - UNESCO awards
Changed on 14/01/2020
The two awarded Inria researchers, Stéphanie Challita and Fanny Orlhac, will receive a grant to finance their research trips, create opportunities and meetings, collaborate with scientists and attend the best conferences. They will also benefit from training in public speaking and scientific popularization to help them break the glass ceiling.
At the Inria Lille - Nord Europe research centre, she develops research work on the field of cloud computing and in particular on the issue of heterogeneity of resources offered by Amazon, Google, OVH and many others. Its approach aims to unify all providers in order to mask the specificities of each of them, eliminate their dependency, ensure the migration of applications hosted on the cloud to other providers to protect them from potential failures or optimize costs and performance by combining the most advantageous offers from several providers.
Read the complete portrait of Stéphanie Challita
At the Inria Sophia Antipolis research centre, she is working to improve the care of cancer patients by combining artificial intelligence and medical imaging. Its objective is to extract diagnostic and prognostic indicators from the images and combine them with other biological indicators (genomics, metabolomics,...) to accurately characterize tumor heterogeneity. This would allow early identification of patients who do not respond to standard treatment based on imaging and biological data available before treatment is implemented. This information would be provided to the practitioner so that he or she could consider alternative therapeutic approaches at the time of diagnosis.
Read the complete portrait of Fanny Orlhac
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme
In 2018, this program is 20 years old. Since its inception, more than 3100 women scientists have been recognized and highlighted, and 3 international award winners have received a Nobel Prize. The objective of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Programme for Women in Science is to promote and support young doctoral and post-doctoral students at a pivotal moment in their professional careers.