European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Changed on 25/02/2025

In May 2019, Inria obtained the European “HR Excellence in Research” label for its action plan within the framework of the European human resources strategy for researchers.

In February 2025, the European Commission approved the revised and improved approach and encouraged the institute to continue deploying the action plan.

The HR strategy and the associated action plan will be subject to a further review in three years (renewal phase).

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The European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers aims to improve the practices of organisations and institutions working in the field of research in terms of recruitment and working conditions of scientists. It is the subject of an HR Excellence in Research label awarded by the European Commission to institutions involved in this approach.

To reinforce the scientific potential of the institute but also help increase its appeal, Inria intends to focus primarily on the following projects:

  • Continue the initiatives and good practices put in place to comply with the principles proposed in the European Charter for Researchers;
  • Clarify and improve the dissemination of information on recruitment processes and career development;
  • Deploy the attractiveness component in all its dimensions: training, development, quality of life at work and career monitoring.

Inria's HR roadmap 2023-2026 sets out the institute's key HR priorities for this period, in line with developments relatingto the Law on the Transformation of the Civil Service (LTFP), and more recently, those resulting from the Law on Research Programming (LPR).

The action plan is divided into 4 areas: 

  • A “full-fledged” and cross-functional positioning of the HR line;
  • A renewed recruitment policy;
  • Smooth career development;
  • Enhancing Inria's attractiveness: overhauled working conditions and social policy.

Having been awarded the European HR Excellence in Research label, Inria is aligning its human resources policy with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers, principles that form the European human resources strategy for research; Inria has chosen to include all staff, including support staff, engineers, doctoral students and guest workers.

For the sake of consistency, the HR Roadmap 2023-2026 action plan serves as the basis for the deployment of the HR Excellence in Research strategy by Inria and for its evaluation by the European Commission.

Cross-functional nature, the HR roadmap is based on the institute's framework documents, in particular:

  • For the Occupational Risk Prevention component, the annual national prevention program;
  • For the Disability component, the Disability plan and its implementation in the partnership agreement with the Fund for the Integration of Disabled People in the Civil Service (FIPHFP);
  • The Gender Equality action plan.

The HR roadmap also supports the new master plan for ecological transition for sustainable development of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's (MESR), in particular for the “Education and training” and “Social policy and quality of life at work” axes.

Inria is committed to continuing to implement its HR Excellence in Research strategy as part of a process of continuous improvement of its HR procedures and the adequacy of its strategy with the Researcher's Charter.