Project-team BENAGIL Efficient and safe distributed systems The Benagil team studies how to design more efficient and safer distributed systems with a focus on...
Project-team COAST Web Scale Trustworthy Collaborative Service Systems The advent of the Cloud, of smart mobile devices and of service-based architecture has opened a...
Project-team CTRL-A Control for safe Autonomic computing systems CTRL-A is motivated by today’s context where computing systems, large (data centers) or small...
Project-team KRAKOS Design of performance, robust, secure, flexible, and energy-efficient system software
Project-team MAGELLAN Reliable and Responsible Decentralized Computing Infrastructures The Magellan Inria/ IRISA project-team aims to enable the creation of efficient, robust, environment...
Project-team MIMOVE Middleware on the Move Given the prevalence of global networking and computing infrastructures, mobile networking...
Project-team SPIRALS Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems Spirals is conducting research activities in the domains of distributed systems and software...
Project-team STACK Software Stack for Massively Geo-Distributed Infrastructures STACK members address challenges related to the management and advanced usages of Utility Computing...
Project-team WHISPER Well Honed Infrastructure Software for Programming Environments and Runtimes The focus of Whisper is on how to develop (new) and improve (existing) infrastructure software...
Project-team WIDE the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination As distributed computing systems are being deployed within a growing number of everyday applications...