ERC Grants

Adrien Bousseau streamlines 3D design


Changed on 19/01/2024

Adrien Bousseau, a researcher in the GraphDeco project-team at Inria centre at Université Côte d'Azur, has just been awarded an ERC (European Research Council) Proof of concept grant. His aim is to provide industrial designers with a software tool for converting design drawings into 3D shapes.
Adrien Bousseau


Adrien Bousseau works on the creation and manipulation of images, and in particular on the modeling of 3D shapes by drawing. He has been working for many years with the Department of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft University in the Netherlands, a collaboration that was strengthened during a sabbatical year. His exchanges with teachers of industrial design have fueled his thinking, and helped him formalize drawing techniques to translate them into algorithms.

The originality of its approach is to exploit the drawing techniques that professional designers have developed to represent 3D shapes. Indeed, drawing is a fundamental tool in design, enabling designers to quickly visualize their ideas and present them to their clients and collaborators.

Convert drawings into 3D shapes

Symmetry results PoC SymmetrySketch
Adrien Bousseau - GraphDeco
Symetry results PoC - Adrien Bousseau - 2024
Click on the image to view the animation

The ambition of his project DLift (Lifting Design Drawings to 3D) is to propose a demonstrator based on a technology developed thanks to funding from his previous ERC Starting Grant, in order to streamline the computer-aided design (CAD) workflow, and to take the first steps towards industrializing this technology. The project will be carried out in three stages:

  1. implement the demonstrator in an existing professional design tool, widely used in the industry;
  2. have it tested by professional designers using this tool, and monitor feedback;
  3. finally, use the potential of this software demonstrated by the previous tests to contact manufacturers in the sector and propose transfer via license.
Adrien Bousseau - GraphDeco


Adrien Bousseau

Senior researcher - GraphDeco team-project

2004, route des Lucioles , 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis