Advanced Research Positions

Changed on 30/01/2025

Each year, the Institute organises a national recruitment campaign, by means of a selection board, to recruit high-flying researchers on fixed-term contracts. Advanced Research Positions are an opportunity to give your career another angle and to bring your skills and expertise to a research project.

Illustration Advanced Research Positions
© Inria / Photo S. Erôme

Application conditions

  • There is no restriction on the age or nationality of applicants.
  • In line with its diversity policy, all Inria posts are accessible to disabled employees (link to pdf Disability sheet);
  • Hold a French or foreign PhD or equivalent degree;
  • Have at least eight years' practice of research and/or academic or industrial experience after completing their thesis;
  • Before writing up their research programme, applicants are strong advised to contact the head(s) of the project team(s) to which they are applying.

How to apply?

There will be no recruitment campaign in 2025.


To apply for an Advanced Research Position, you must first create your applicant page.

Recruitment procedure

  • Admissibility: First Inria checks that each applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
    NB: when an application is submitted, an acknowledgment of receipt is issued, which cannot under any circumstances be considered as an indication that the application has been judged admissible.
  • Selection based on the application: an admissibility committee considers the applications and draws up a list of those to be interviewed.
  • Applicant interviews:  an admission committee interviews the applicants selected and submits a ranked list of suitable applicants to the Inria Chief Executive Officer.
  • Final selection:  after the interviews, the Inria Chief Executive Officer makes the final decision on the list of successful applicants.


Consult the documents concerning the recruitment campaign (some will be published as soon as the campaign is launched):

Logo HR excellence

In May 2019, the European Union awarded Inria the "HR Excellence in Research" label, underlining the relevance of its strategy and the associated HRS4R action plan.