

Numerical Analysis, Geophysics and Environment
Numerical Analysis, Geophysics and Environment

The research activities carried out within the ANGE team strongly couple the development of methodological tools with the applications to real-life problems and the transfer of numerical codes. Even if the definition of the scientific program is more problem-driven by challenging applications than methodology-driven, it is fundamental to keep at each step a rigorous approach and mathematical justifications of the proposed results. The difficulties arising in geophysics are threefold 1- The models and equations encountered in fluid mechanics (typically the free surface Navier-Stokes equations) are complex to analyze and solve. 2- This first feature is reinforced by the fact that the considered phenomena often take place over large domains with very heterogeneous length scales (size of the domain, mean depth, wave length\ldots) and different time periods e.g. coastal erosion, propagation of a tsunami,... 3- Last but not least, these problems are multi-physics with strong couplings and nonlinearities.

To broaden the range of methods considered, the team has begun in recent years a research activity in high-performance scientific computing (design of decomposition methods, model reduction) and data assimilation. From the point of view of applications, the team's work is now oriented towards environmental issues, such as renewable energy or ocean modeling.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Paris Centre

In partnership with

Centre d‘expertise des risques, de l’environnement, des mobilités et de l’aménagement,CNRS,Université Pierre et Marie Curie,Sorbonne Université


Team leader

Laurence Bourcier

Team assistant

Julien Guieu

Team assistant

Abigail Palma

Team assistant
