Culture & Society

#AudioInterview: when Robotics and Origami meet, with Dewi Brunet and Olivier Goury


Changed on 10/03/2022

What is the link between the art of folding and robotics research? The Defrost team of the Inria centre at the University of Lille, which specialises in the design, conception and control of deformable robots, recently received the Brussels-based folding artist Dewi Brunet for a three-month residency to work on oribotic, a discipline born of the interaction between origami and robotics.
Oeuvre de Dewi Brunet, pliage origami blanc
Dewi Origami


Graduated with a master's degree in urban design, Dewi has been practising folding for more than 15 years and focuses his art on monumental folding, textile pleating and crumpling. What is his major source of inspiration? The living, in all its forms. According to Dewi Brunet, folding is a technique, a medium of expression in its own right and a field of research at the crossroads of disciplines. The recent deployment of the James Webb Telescope, a collaboration between NASA and ESA, is proof of this.

What can the science of robots bring to the folding artist and in return, what does the folding artist bring to science? Dewi Brunet talks about this very special experience, along with Olivier Goury from the Defrost team.


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