
Bits2Beat Predictive Analytics: predictive heart rate analysis


Changed on 07/12/2022

With two scientific founders in contact with the world of cardiology through their professional and family backgrounds, Bits2Beat is committed to helping solve a major public health issue identified as such by the learned societies of cardiologists.
© Beat2beats

Could you describe your activities?

Bits2Beat aims to facilitate the early detection of some of the most common cardiovascular diseases, notably atrial fibrillation, with a follow-up aiming at the prevention of accidents resulting from these pathologies, by solving the shortage of adapted equipment. Our value proposition is the integration of its predictive cardiac rhythm analysis software into consumer devices with near-universal coverage, across the entire care pathway to shorten delays. This software is part of the effective realization of the promise of predictive, relevant, prompt, personalized, preventive and participative medicine (known as 6P medicine).

Quels sont les défis technologiques dans le secteur ? Quelles prochaines étapes et quels enjeux à venir pour la startup ?

The very excessive delays in management (for example, between a first transient ischemic attack and confirmation of treatment) are due to the difficulty of obtaining recording equipment (the long-term ECG holter) and then making the diagnosis.

The three difficulties currently identified for the implementation of screening and follow-up of these pathologies, both via analyses by learned societies and interviews with practitioners, are

  • The absence of a sufficiently ergonomic and available device that is acceptable episodically or on a daily basis by the patient over long periods;
  • The absence of a reliable automated diagnosis of the occurrence of arrhythmias for primary prevention;
  • The absence of a physiopathological profile of the patient established according to the clinical context and activity for secondary prevention.

The technological challenge that we take up with Bits2Beat is the reliability of rhythm acquisition coupled with predictive analysis of cardiac rhythms allowing the extraction of medically relevant information according to the clinical picture.

What was your background before the creation of the company?

We are two founders from the academic world:


Edouard Kleinpeter


I am a research engineer at the BSE of the CNRS. I supervise the IT part which requires a state of the art mastery of all aspects of database management and software architecture of a medical device.


Edouard Kleinpeter


Guillaume Attuel


I was a postdoctoral researcher at Inria. The technology we use at Bits2beat is algorithmic: it comes from research conducted by myself and my colleagues of the Geostat project-team at the Inria Center of the University of Bordeaux.


Guillaume Attuel