

Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments
Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments

CAGIRE has been bringing together researchers from different backgrounds (turbulence modeling, applied mathematics, experimentation) since May 2016, who since 2011 have gradually developed a shared vision of what the flow simulation tools of the future should be. Although not completely driven by industrial applications, this project is nevertheless based on the strong motivation to be useful to industrial players (large and small!) in the aeronautics & space, automotive, energy production & storage or healthcare sectors. The flows considered can be turbulent, compressible, two-phase and anisothermal. As a result, they are characterized by the simultaneous presence of numerous physical phenomena and a multiplicity of scales, representing a challenge in terms of physical modeling and simulation. In this context, the team's watchword is simulation agility, which covers i) a high degree of flexibility in physical modeling, making it possible to switch, even within the same simulation, from a fine scale of description to more macroscopic modeling, often by continuously combining different approaches; ii) the use of adapted numerical schemes enabling discretization up to high order in complex geometries, while preserving robustness and ease of use; and iii) the implementation of efficient resolution algorithms making it possible to exploit the available computing power, on machines with highly evolutive and heterogeneous architectures.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux

In partnership with

CNRS,Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour


Team leader

Fabienne Cuyollaa

Team assistant
