

Construction and Analysis of Systems for Confidentiality and Authenticity of Data and Entities
Construction and Analysis of Systems for Confidentiality and Authenticity of Data and Entities

Cryptography, or the "Science of Secret", aims at protecting digital data during communications, or while they are locally stored. On this security track, two activities fight: the design of systems achieving the security goal, and the attack that tries to defeat security protections. The CASCADE project-team studies a very large range of cryptography: design of primitives and protocols, together with the security analysis, which can turn out to provide attacks at various levels: on the mathematics or algorithmic, on the actual implementation, or exploiting side-channel informations for the hardware.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Paris Centre

In partnership with

CNRS,Ecole normale supérieure de Paris


Team leader

Meriem Guemair

Team assistant

Diana Marino Duarte

Team assistant
