Communication / Event

Colloquium Polaris - Pierre Senellart deciphers the construction of a management system base de données


17 November 2022
Location :

Campus Haute-Borne 50 Avenue Halley , 59 658 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Changed on 17/11/2022

Pierre Senellart, professor at the ENS and head of the Inria Valda team, will speak on Thursday 17 November at the Polaris Colloquium. His talk will focus on the construction of a database management system that takes into account the origin of the data.
Meeting from 2 to 3.30 pm in the amphitheatre of Ircica CAMPUS Haute-Borne 50 Avenue Halley, 59 658 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Logo Colloquium Polaris

Building a Provenance-Aware Database Management System

We describe ProvSQL, software currently being developed in our team that adds support for provenance management to a regular database management system, PostgreSQL. We first explain what provenance is, applications
thereof, and how provenance of database queries can be defined and captured. We insist on one particular application of provenance, probabilistic query evaluation. We then explain research and engineering challenges in implementing techniques from the scientific literature on provenance management and probabilistic databases within a major database management system.


Pierre Senellart

Pierre Senellart is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the École normale supérieure (ENS, PSL University) in Paris, France, and head of the Inria–CNRS–ENS Valda team. He is also a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France and currently serves as the President of Section 6 of France's National Committee for Scientific Research. He is an alumnus of ENS and obtained his M.Sc. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) in computer science from Université Paris-Sud, studying under the supervision of Serge Abiteboul. Before joining ENS, he was an Associate Professor (2008–2013) and then a Professor (2013–2016) at Télécom Paris. He also held secondary appointments as Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong from 2012–2013, and as Senior Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore from 2014 to 2016. Pierre Senellart's research interests focus on practical and theoretical aspects of Web data management, including Web crawling and archiving, Web information extraction, uncertainty management, Web mining, and intensional data management.