Computational science research on an international scale
Changed on 24/11/2019
Associate Teams are important instruments of Inria's scientific and international policy. The goal of the programme is to strengthen Inria's scientific potential by developing partnerships between Inria project teams and cutting-edge research teams around the world. The programme centres on a joint research project and funds the travel of members of the team in France and other partner countries.
Such alliances are true accelerators for research. They provide researchers with opportunities to pool data and consider new perspectives as well as to create long-term ties between researchers at the international level.
Data and Knowledge Representation and Processing
Association between Magnet project-team (associated with CNRS, l’Université de Lille − sciences humaines et sociales et l'Université de Lille − sciences et technologies*) and the Alan Turing Institute, UK.
Optimization, machine learning and statistical methods
Association between Bonus team (associated with l'Université de Lille*) and Exeter UK.
Optimization and control of dynamic systems
Association between Valse project-team (associated with Centrale Lille, CNRS and Université de Lille − sciences et technologies*) and IBM Research Dublin, Ireland.
* au sein de l'UMR 9189 CNRS-Centrale Lille-Université de Lille, CRIStAL.
** au sein de l'UMR 9189 CNRS-Centrale Lille-Université de Lille − sciences et technologies, CRIStAL.