Academic partnerships

Creation of the Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier


Changed on 06/12/2023

On June 23, 2023, Bruno Sportisse, Chairman and CEO of Inria, and Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier, signed a strategic partnership framework agreement in Montpellier, underlining their desire to strengthen their collaboration in digital science and technology.
This partnership is embodied in the creation of the "Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier", the forerunner of a future Inria center in Montpellier, as part of Inria's national strategy to contribute to the development of world-class research universities.
Signature Inria - Université Montpellier - Juin 2023

Recognition of a long-standing partnership

The University of Montpellier (UM) and Inria have been collaborating for over 20 years on joint research projects in the fields of data science, simulation and control, with applications in the environment, agriculture and health. Their relationship has been strengthened by their collaboration on structuring projects and initiatives such as the #DigitAg convergence institute, the LabeX NUMEV and the I-SITE MUSE "Montpellier Université d'Excellence". The Pl@ntNet platform and the Neurinnov startup were created and developed in Montpellier thanks to this collaboration involving other academic partners, including national research organizations such as INRAE and CNRS.

Convinced of their complementarity in terms of missions, scientific strengths and research organization, the University of Montpellier and Inria wish to enter into a strong strategic partnership based on their existing organizations and structures, respectively Inria's joint project-team model and the University of Montpellier's laboratories, support units and research federations. Inria and UM will continue to coordinate their strategies and resources to meet the challenges facing France and Europe in the field of digital science and technology.

Through this "Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier", Inria and the University of Montpellier are adopting a joint strategy for the site, and the means to implement it with public partners in education, research and innovation, or with private partners, whether French, European or international.


Bruno Sportisse


Our dynamic is based on coherence and synergies between national and site policies. By creating the Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier, Inria is confirming its commitment to strengthening world-class research universities, at the heart of entrepreneurial and industrial ecosystems energized by digital technology, with a single requirement: the impact of our joint actions, also with other national organizations, whatever form this impact may take.


Bruno Sportisse


CEO Inria


Philippe Augé, Président de l’Université de Montpellier


It's a great source of pride and a great step forward to officially announce the signing and creation of the Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier, which will enable us to continue and, above all, strengthen our collaboration and joint commitment in the field of digital science and technology. Research and innovation at the University of Montpellier never stands still, and this new agreement is further proof of this.


Philippe Augé


President of the University of Montpellier

New high-impact priorities

This policy is designed to increase interaction between the University of Montpellier and Inria, and to develop new areas of cooperation or amplify existing cooperative ventures to enhance their impact. It also aims to enhance the international attractiveness of the site for the benefit of teaching, research and innovation, as well as local job creation. It also works to promote scientific and technical culture.

A joint human resources policy will be developed to attract the best talent and strengthen existing or new joint project teams, in areas such as digital simulation of environmental risks, remote sensing, statistical analysis of health data, assistive robotics, automatic knowledge extraction, data science for biodiversity and the agro-environment, and participatory science. Collaborative priorities include strengthening entrepreneurship, cutting-edge technology platforms and the ramp-up of the Montpellier Data Science Institute (ISDM).


The institute at the heart of university campuses

Inria is unambiguously committed to strengthening the ecosystems of major university sites in and through digital technology.