Digital Security

Inria and ANSSI key players in cyber security in France


Changed on 15/02/2022

Cybersecurity is one of the Institute's priorities, and is naturally part of the State's "Cybersecurity" acceleration strategy. On the occasion of the inauguration on Tuesday 15 February of the Cyber Campus, the implementation of which is coordinated by Inria, let's take stock of Inria's involvement in this project.
As part of the "France Relance" Plan and the Future Investment Programme, the Government has defined a "Cybersecurity" acceleration strategy. The creation of the Cyber Campus is part of this strategy.
Photo de smartphones et d'ordinateurs affichant des graphes de processus
© Inria / Photo C. Morel


Logo Campus Cyber

The Cyber Campus is a collective and ambitious project which aims to facilitate cooperation and synergies within the technical, economic and academic Cybersecurity community, which thus has a lively, attractive and internationally visible place to gather. The actions deployed there are structured around 4 pillars:

  • Operations: identification of use cases and framing of joint projects that could be implemented within the framework of the Campus, sharing of data to strengthen everyone's ability to control digital risk
  • Training: support for initial and ongoing training for different audiences (government employees, employees, students, staff undergoing retraining, etc.) to improve the overall skills of the ecosystem.
  • Innovation: development of synergies between public and private players to guide technological innovation and strengthen its integration into the economic fabric.
  • Animation: a lively and open place dedicated to the programming of innovative events conducive to exchanges and the discovery of the evolutions of the digital society of confidence.

Within the framework of the Cyber Campus and its regional network, Inria is responsible for implementing the Cyber Campus transfer programme on behalf of the entire academic community, in close collaboration with ANSSI.

With a budget of €40M over 5 years, this programme aims to strengthen, in line with what will be done in the PEPR cybersecurity projects, research efforts and the transfer of skills and technologies from public research to all territorial cybersecurity ecosystems, in particular by relying on the collective dynamics of the Cyber Campus to encourage joint projects between players (academic, industrial, governmental).

It is divided into 4 actions:

  • Action 1: Source, qualify and then ensure the implementation of R&D projects
  • Action 2: Source, qualify and then ensure the implementation of transfer projects carried out by public and/or private partners
  • Action 3 : Train and promote the mobility of the sector's personnel, particularly for research jobs
  • Action 4: Support the creation and development of start-ups

For Inria and the academic community, the challenges of ensuring the success of such a project are to guarantee in the best conditions:

  • An effective impact based on greater involvement of public research players with cybersecurity companies, by giving them access to industrial issues and the technological obstacles that companies face
  • A high level of interaction and a culture of exchange and transmission within the ecosystem in order to structure and support smooth skill and technology transfer processes


One of the key challenges of the Cyber Campus and its network in the regions will be to develop a culture of exchange and transmission within the national ecosystem (research centres, universities and schools, companies, etc.), in order to facilitate cooperation and synergies in terms of R&D, transfer and entrepreneurship, which are essential for developing innovative and sovereign solutions in cybersecurity.


Hubert Duault


Head of the Cybersecurity Programme at Inria

Illustration Enjeu Santé - Simulation de l’opération de la rétine
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

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