The essential on: blockchain
Changed on 13/07/2021
Blockchain is a technology that allows to store and transmit digital data, financial or not, in a reliable and secure way. It is a distributed database, i.e. shared in real time by all users on a peer-to-peer network, and above all without any central authority.
Each transaction, whatever it is, is written indelibly in a large transparent register that everyone can consult without ever being able to modify the previous entries. This register is made up of blocks which are themselves made up of hundreds of transactions. These blocks are added to each other forming chains, hence the term blockchain.
For a transaction to be recorded in a blockchain in a permanent way, users, then called "miners", analyze each "block" to verify its validity. These miners are paid in cryptocurrencies for each analyzed block.
The first practical implementation of blockchain dates back to 2008. That summer, the domain name was quietly registered online. Two months later, a document entitled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" was posted on a crypto mailing list by a certain Satoshi Nakamoto, who claimed to be Japanese and born in 1975 but whom no one has ever seen. And behind bitcoin: an underlying architecture, the blockchain, serves as a public record of all transactions on the network.
But the blockchain technology itself is based on a combination of different ideas developed in the nineties. In 1991, Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta described the basis of what was to become blockchain technology in an article entitled "How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document".
Historically, the blockchain was intended to allow users to exchange virtual currency, the bitcoin, without going through a central control body.
Of course, the technology allows the transfer and storage of money, but it can also (and above all) replace all existing intermediaries in a transaction between two parties, and this by promising security, transparency and speed.
Its interest is based on four characteristics: