Changed on 16/09/2022

Placed this year on the theme of "the unexpected", the European Researchers' Night will take place on Friday, September 30, 2022 from 6:30 pm to midnight at Cap Sciences. A moment of encounter between the general public and scientists from Inria, the University of Bordeaux, the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, the CNRS and INRAE.
Nuit européenne des chercheur.e.s

The European night of researchers: what is it? 

The European Researchers' Night is an invitation to share an evening with scientists in hundreds of European cities, including 16 in France. On this occasion, conditions of convivial dialogues are created, for simple, singular exchanges. Innovative devices are proposed to the public. Within scenographic spaces, the atmosphere is relaxed, allowing intimate and particular moments of sharing, to discover scientists as you have never seen or heard them before.

This year, the theme of this night is "The Unexpected", because these are commonplace in the scientific research environment: change of subject, unexpected discoveries, surprises on the field or during experiments, contributions from amateurs and/or novices, bright ideas, etc. Scientists cultivate serendipity on a daily basis!


Program of the 2022 edition


Nom du jour

"Speed searching"



7pm - 8pm - 9pm - 10pm


Like speed dating, meet scientists from all disciplines and change every 8 minutes to discover new research.


Duration : 45 minutes - Registration on site

Nom du jour

"Chercheurs sur les ondes"



7PM to 9PM


Discover the unforeseen results of research as told by different scientists. 2 hours of live radio broadcasting hosted by Radio Campus Bordeaux 88.1 and the "Dealers de science" (students of the Mediation of Sciences master).


Duration: 2 hours live 

Nom du jour

"Bouche à oreille"



7:30PM - 8:30PM - 9:30PM - 10:30PM


How does a story change when it is repeated fifteen times? Listen carefully to the scientists to convey their research as accurately as possible.


Duration: 30 minutes - Registration on site

Nom du jour

"Rencontres dans le noir"



7:15PM - 8PM - 8:45PM - 9:30PM - 10:15PM


Let the story of scientists in the dark be told. But first, take a bet on who will own the research.


Duration: 20 minutes

Nom du jour

"Le coin des manips"



6:30PM to 11PM


Discover the scientists and teams of the different laboratories on campus with the help of fun and participative experiments!


Duration: continuous

Nom du jour

"Faites vos jeux"



7PM - 8PM - 9PM - 10PM


A scientist tells you his or her story. It's up to you to bet on the ending. There are many possibilities, choose wisely and let yourself be surprised by the unforeseen events encountered in their research.


Duration: 45 minutes

Nom du jour

"C'est quoi ta thèse ?"





The doctoral students will have 3 minutes to present their thesis orally with a single image as support!


Duration: 45 minutes

Nom du jour

"Cell immersion"





Cell Worlds is a journey to the heart of the microscopic living world. It is an unprecedented encounter with a hidden biodiversity: our cells. A journey filled with introspection and emotion to discover unsuspected microscopic forms, colors and behaviors. Migrations, hunts, symbioses and even communications, who would have thought that the infinitely small was so grandiose?


Duration: 40 min

Nom du jour

"Performance VERRES"





An original work of popularization resulting from the exchange between artists and scientists, this original production invites you to a musical, visual and poetic journey into the heart of the mysteries of matter and research. Addressing historical, artistic and scientific aspects, the "performance VERRES" offers a rediscovery of this multi-millennial material, transparent, malleable and recyclable, all fascinating properties that make it a major and often unsuspected element of our most advanced technological developments.

Performance followed by a discussion with the creators of the project.


Duration: 45 minutes

Come and meet the scientists of the Inria center at the university of Bordeaux

  • Fabien Lotte and Aline Roc, from the Potioc project-team, representatives of the European projects BrainConquest and Bitscope;
  • Emmanuel Jeannot, from the Tadaam project-team, representative of the European project Admire;
  • Angelo Iollo, from the Memphis project-team, representative of the European project Aria;
  • Yves Coudière, from the Carmen project-team, representing the European project SimCardioTest.