International Cybersecurity Forum


Changed on 06/01/2020

The International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) is part of a wider strategy aimed at promoting a Europe-wide vision for cybersecurity, a strategy Inria is keen to promote. Find out more about Inria’s competencies in this field, combining digital technology and science.
FIC 2019

In keeping with the concept of the digital single market and the project surrounding the general data protection regulation, the FIC is Europe’s leading event in this field, bringing together all the key players involved in digital confidence. Both IT and digital services are particularly well-represented.

The FIC in figures

  • 8,600participants, including1,300foreign visitors
  • 80countries represented and40official delegations
  • 91%satisfied visitors in 2018

The targets for the FIC 2019

  • To tackle the challengesof cybersecurity by bringing together the relevant parties from within organisations
  • Tospeed upthe development of a European cybersecurity market
  • Topromotean ethical, balanced vision in relation to security
  • Toencourageinnovation when it comes to digital confidence by welcoming innovative projects and start-ups
  • Todevelopan inclusive strategy for cybersecurity with regards to organisational restructuring
  • Tounitedifferent ecosystems by creating bridges between the public and private spheres, between the industrial sector and the world of academia and between the working world and individual trades

This year’s theme: Security and Privacy by Design

Digital technology brings with it new applications. Against such a backdrop, security and protection for systems, networks and data - whether personal or otherwise - can no longer simply involve features operating in isolation or options that are activated as and when they are required. It is now necessary to develop native security, incorporated into the process of designing the technology and applications that we use on a daily basis.


Having become a genuine business demand, as well as a new legal requirement since the introduction of the GDPR, "by design " also involves a number of challenges. Many people think security is too expensive - but we would like to see how they get on without it!

Inria at the FIC 2019

For the 4th time, Inria will be participating in this event alongside its partner Allistene. Inria occupies a significant position in the French landscape, with almost 25% of French academic activity in cybersecurity undertaken within Inria project teams alongside its partners (CNRS, universities and engineering schools). In total, Inria is set to present 9 demonstrations during the 2-day forum, the subjects of which can be found below:

  • Deobfuscating Android malware withOat’sinside
  • FP-Secure: strengthening web authentication using browser histories
  • HAPEI: a mechanism used to ensure that programmes are executed in their entirety
  • Electromagnetic injection on microcontrollers: aclock-glitchstory
  • Machine learning for side-channel analysis
  • Malizen: visualisation equipment used for cyber-investigations
  • Automatic programme protection developed by the compiler to guard against “side-channel attacks”
  • SCUBA: assessing the security of connected objects
  • SUD: protecting personal data against unknown attacks

There will also be a Masterclass “Cybersecurity for Iot: Verify your Software Today!”, on Tuesday 22 January 2019, running from 12pm to 12.45pm. 

White paper on cybersecurity

Inria chose the theme of cybersecurity for their third white paper. Research into cybersecurity has been one of Inria’s main areas of focus since the institute was founded. With somewhere in the region of30 project teamsand more than200 scientistsworking on these subjects; a range of partners in France, as well as at both a European and international level; and strong ties with the world of business and start-ups, the challenges linked to cybersecurity are deeply embedded in Inria’s strategy. This white paper provides an overview of the academic research into different issues related to cybersecurity, mapping the research activity undertaken by Inria.

The FIC is organised by the CEIS with support from the Hauts de France Region.