Clarivate Analytics: Francis Bach ranked among the most highly cited researchers


Publish on 15/01/2020

Each year Clarivate Analyticspublish their “ Highly Cited Researchers” list . Taking into account scientific publications, results, reputation and scientific recognition, nearly 6,000 researchers were listed in the rankings for their work in different fields of science.
F. Bach
© Inria / Photo C. Morel


Francis is a real all-rounder. He makes associations of ideas 


This year, Inria was represented once again in these rankings, by Francis Bach

Clarivate Analytics  wanted to make it clear that his award was not exclusively down to him but was an indication of the recognition given by the researcher’s peers. 

Francis Bach has been the head of the Sierra project team at the Inria centre in Paris since 2011. Between the classes he teaches at the ENS and the international projects in which he is involved, the common theme is always machine learning

This field of research has grown fast in recent years and is gradually entering the public sphere. Mentioned in a range of areas, including deep learning , suggestion systems, forecasts, etc., this is a highly topical and impactful research theme that the researcher is working on.

In addition to his role as a researcher, he is also a professor, currently supervising 7 PhD students within the Sierra team.



Francis is very good at managing his team: there’s a great atmosphere in the laboratory and he sees everyone every week 



Francis’s PhD students are his main collaborators when it comes to the publications he is involved with. This recognition confirms the excellence of the work he has carried out within the project team alongside his scientist partners. 


Francis is able to see much further ahead than others at meetings. He’s really efficient. 

His ideas are innovative, and he’s shown real creativity in his research. 


For his work with the Sierra project team, 2018 saw Francis receive a number of awards, including the Prix Lagrange and the "Best paper award"  at the NeurIPS 2018 conference. He also presided over the International Conference on Machine Learning , which was held in Stockholm at the start of the year and was attended by more than 6,000 people. 

This success has spread throughout the rest of his team, as evidenced by the thesis prize awarded to Nicolas Flammarion.