François Baccelli, winner of an ERC Advanced Grant
Changed on 26/03/2020
My project lies at the interface between mathematics and communications engineering. It focuses on stochastic geometry, a branch of probability theory, which looks at the probability distribution of geometric objects. My aim is to develop dynamical stochastic geometry tools in order to understand the dynamics of these objects.
The stochastic geometry tools that I developed at the Department of Computer Science at the graduate school École Normale Supérieure (DI ENS, ENS Paris/Inria/CNRS), then at the University of Texas, are already widely used in the design of cellular networks. The dynamical version of these tools will make it possible to address major questions on these networks, but also to analyse other types of large networks, such as social networks or neural networks.
It was Antoine Petit, former CEO of Inria, who pushed me to apply. In all of the large networks, dynamics is vital and still misunderstood. It has become essential to develop new mathematical approaches in order to study it.
It brings European recognition for my work on network analysis and provides me with the opportunity to freely develop a new line of research.
I will use it to recruit high-level PhD students to decipher the fundamental aspects of network dynamics within the Inria project team Dyogene, a joint team with the ENS and the CNRS. I also intend to roll out LINCS (Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Sciences), a collaborative research laboratory on the networks of the future, set up by Inria, Institut Mines-Télécom, Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) and Alcatel Lucent. I would like to develop a maximum number of partnerships in Europe and internationally, in particular with the Simons Center, which I created at the University of Texas.