Health, biometrics, deep learning and privacy


Changed on 03/08/2022

On March 8th, on the occasion of the International Women's Rights Day, we have chosen to honour talented women who make the news of the Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée centre in their field of research and who illustrate each of them Inria's motto: "scientific excellence at the service of transfer and society".

Maureen Clerc

Maureen Clerc
Photo Aurélie Macarri - Université Côte d'Azur

Maureen Clerc, Research Director within the Athena team, will speak twice during the "Brain Week" which will take place from March 9 to 19th.

To find out more, we invite you to watch this short film (on YouTube) from the Athena team, which presents the brain-computer interface (BCI) and what the stakes are. With the intervention of Maureen Clerc, Théo Papadopoulo from Inria and Marie-Hélène Soriani from Nice University Hospital.

Antitza Dantcheva

Antitza Dantcheva
© Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli

As part of the "Café Techno" organized by the Learning Centre in Sophia Antipolis, Antitza Dantcheva, researcher in the Stars team, presented "The history of biometrics, from Alphonse Bertillon to the iPhone X " and shared her expertise on the following questions:  

  • What is a biometric system?
  • How do current systems work?
  • What are the prospects?

EA few months ago, she was awarded an ANR JCJC scholarship that will enable her to work on concrete applications ranging from security to health care.

Yuliya Tarabalka

Yuliya Tarabalka
© Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli


Yuliya Tarabalka, researcher in the Titane team, is also a recipient of the ANR JCJC fellowship.

Its project of compact and generic representation of satellite images opens the door to many applications. 

Nataliia Bielova

Nataliia Bielova
© Inria / Photo F. Bessière

While the European Parliament is addressing online privacy issues in the context of the ePrivacy draft regulation, Nataliia Bielova, subject matter expert, was invited to present the work of the two project teams Inria India and Privatics working in this area.

More on the subject...