Health - Personalised Healthcare

inHEART, using 3D for better and more reliable cardiac procedures


Changed on 20/12/2019

inHEART is a start-up project created by Inria Sophia Antipolis- Méditerranée, the University Hospital Centre in Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux via the Liryc University Hospital Institute. Its aim is to build on several years of top quality research and development in the field of computer-guided procedures for cardiac rhythm disorders using 3D medical imagery.

The company aims to provide cardiologists with a personalised virtual heart model for patients suffering from cardiac rhythm disorders using scanner images and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imagery).

Image processing software known as MUSIC(Multi-modality Platform for Specific Imaging in Cardiology) enables scanner and MRI images taken from patients with cardiac rhythm disorders to be converted into a personalised virtual heart within which the cardiologist can visualise his instruments in real time during procedures to treat heart arrhythmia with catheter ablation.