Inria and the CNIL launch a European prize for the protection of privacy


Changed on 12/12/2019

Inria and the CNIL (the French data protection authority) have just launched a European prize to recognise scientific papers on the subject of data protection and privacy. Within the framework of the partnership agreement signed in 2011 between Inria and the CNIL, the prize will serve to promote research on data protection. It will raise awareness throughout the scientific community of the need to develop research projects related to these subjects.
Illustration code informatique et oeil
© Inria / Photo H. Raguet

The prize-winning papers must have been written, at least in part, as a result of research at a European research centre and published in 2014 or 2015. They may deal with any of the following subjects: Privacy by Design; privacy enhancing techniques (PETs); anonymising techniques; privacy risk analysis; personal data control; accountability; transparency, etc.

The jury will be made up of seven members, including three experts from the world of research, two representatives of the CNIL and two Inria researchers: Daniel Le Métayer, Director of Research and Coordinator for the Inria Project Lab CAPPRIS, and Claude Castelluccia, Director of Research at the Inria Rhône-Alpes Research Centre, where he heads the PRIVATICS team. The prize-winner(s) will be invited to the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference in January 2017, where they will receive their trophies.