Press release

Inria and Université Paris-Saclay confirm their strategic partnership and announce the creation of the ‘Inria Centre of Université Paris-Saclay’


Changed on 06/12/2023

On Monday 25 October 2021, Inria and Université Paris-Saclay, alongside CentraleSupélec and ENS Paris-Saclay, signed a strategic partnership agreement outlining their strategy and shared roadmap for digital science and technology, which the ‘Inria Centre of Université Paris-Saclay’ will focus on.
Signature accord cadre de partenariat stratégique Inria - Université Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay, its constituent faculties and institutes, Grandes Écoles (CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, Institut d’Optique Graduate School) and Inria, via the Inria Saclay-Île-de-France Research Centre, have worked together for many years and collaborated on joint actions, in particular through the creation of shared project teams, or cooperation initiatives for the implementation of their shared scientific policy. By signing this strategic partnership agreement, the institutions commit to reinforcing their shared ambition, particularly in their priority research areas (digital health; AI and data sciences; cybersecurity, privacy, proof and verification; quantum science; and Human-Machine Interaction), and strengthening their appeal in the field of digital science; the DATAIA Paris-Saclay Convergence Institute being an example of this.

The institutions hope to strengthen disciplines at the heart of digital science and mathematics and their interactions with other fields, in particular as part of their shared site strategy. They intend to meet major research challenges, encourage scientific risk-taking, and also support and co-develop interdisciplinary research, within the University’s Graduate Schools.

This ambition will be supported by the implementation of a concerted recruitment policy and action plans for joint research. The partnership also foresees an initiative aimed at encouraging the involvement of researchers in educational programmes by offering them multi-year teaching contracts, and, consequently, initiatives to facilitate research activities for lecturers and academic staff.

Increasing the economic impact in the area is also one of the partnership’s priorities. Inria and Université Paris-Saclay intend to facilitate the creation of joint project teams with companies and develop the synergies of their respective initiatives to foster the emergence of and the support provided to software-intensive start-up projects. The partners also agree to enhance their continuing education policy in digital science for local SMEs and intermediate-sized enterprises undertaking their digital transformation, by strengthening the synergy between their respective programmes (the continuing education courses offered by the constituent faculties, institutes and Grandes Écoles).

By signing this partnership agreement establishing the ‘Inria Centre of Université Paris-Saclay’, Inria and Université Paris-Saclay have created a joint roadmap for their shared ambition in education, research and innovation, providing themselves with the operational resources to implement it.


The signing of this strategic partnership agreement with Université Paris-Saclay marks the inclusion of Inria’s policy, as a French national research organisation for digital science and technology, in the development of major world-class research universities. With the ‘Inria Centre of Université Paris-Saclay’, we are developing a joint strategic vision and equipping ourselves with the necessary tools to implement it, with a sole objective: achieving impact in education, research and innovation for digital science.


Bruno Sportisse


CEO of Inria


Through this partnership, which unites key players in digital science, Université Paris-Saclay is contributing to the progression of French higher education and research towards a system that goes beyond former divisions to foster greater synergies and meet international standards.


Sylvie Retailleau


President of Université Paris-Saclay

About Université Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay brings together ten constituent faculties and institutes, four Grandes Écoles, the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, two associate institutions and shared laboratories with six national research organisations.

With 48,000 students, 8,100 lecturers and 8,500 administrative and technical staff members, Université Paris-Saclay offers a comprehensive and varied range of undergraduate to doctorate level programmes and engineering degrees, renowned for their quality thanks to the reputation and commitment of the University’s academic staff.

Located in the south of Paris on vast sites that stretch across Paris, Orsay, Évry and Versailles, Université Paris-Saclay benefits from a strategic geographical and socio-economic position that is strengthened by its international visibility. A leading university, Université Paris-Saclay is recognised for its excellent Mathematics and Physics programmes but also for Biological and Medical Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, and its extensive Humanities and Social Sciences courses. Close to Paris, Université Paris-Saclay is nested in a protected natural area, at the heart of a dynamic economic hub.