Challenge Inria OVHCloud End-to-end eco-design of a cloud to reduce its environmental impact End-to-end eco-design of a cloud to reduce its environmental impact
Inria teams involved AVALON, INOCS, MYRIADS, SPIRALS, STACK In partnership with OVH (co-responsable Germain Masse). Contacts Laurent Lefevre Scientific leader News Digital and environment © Inria / Photo C. Morel Embracing digital frugality: Inria gives a presentation at the OVHcloud Ecosystem Experience 05/11/2020 Sébastien Jarry A look back at the first hackAtech Inria edition - Lille 2020 17/04/2020 Press release ©Dmitry - ANR Distiller: How to reduce the environmental impact of cloud applications? 30/03/2022 Institute Inria invests in the PEPR Cloud by taking the role of co-pilot 04/11/2021 Digital and environment Romain Rouvoy “Promoting the development of more efficient software” 01/07/2019 Job opportunities Master Internship - Graph Inference in Dynamical Systems Deadline to apply 31/03/2025 Job opportunities Master Internship - Uncertainty Quantification for PET reconstructed images with AI Deadline to apply 31/03/2025 Job opportunities Construction of torso conductivity map library from CT images and computation of statistical distributions of torso geometries Deadline to apply 30/04/2025 SonarQube@Inria : Research Support Award 15/11/2018 Job opportunities PhD Position F/M Compliance and Large Language Models: Detecting Privacy and Copyright Violations Deadline to apply 08/03/2025 All news about the challenge
Digital and environment © Inria / Photo C. Morel Embracing digital frugality: Inria gives a presentation at the OVHcloud Ecosystem Experience 05/11/2020
Press release ©Dmitry - ANR Distiller: How to reduce the environmental impact of cloud applications? 30/03/2022
Digital and environment Romain Rouvoy “Promoting the development of more efficient software” 01/07/2019
Job opportunities Master Internship - Graph Inference in Dynamical Systems Deadline to apply 31/03/2025
Job opportunities Master Internship - Uncertainty Quantification for PET reconstructed images with AI Deadline to apply 31/03/2025
Job opportunities Construction of torso conductivity map library from CT images and computation of statistical distributions of torso geometries Deadline to apply 30/04/2025
Job opportunities PhD Position F/M Compliance and Large Language Models: Detecting Privacy and Copyright Violations Deadline to apply 08/03/2025