Press release

Inria and Université de Lorraine reinforce their collaboration to the start of “Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine”


Changed on 14/08/2024

Friday 22 September, Université de Lorraine and Inria, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a closer partnership that will turn the Inria Nancy-Grand Est centre into “the Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine”.

Creation of the Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine

This agreement outlines the initial major collaborative areas in research and innovation, related to digital matters. This partnership between the University and Inria is based on their shared objectives, and will be centred around three main pillars: interdisciplinary research and teaching, transfer and innovation, and supporting research and innovation

Scientific ambition and appeal

Four key areas of focus have been identified, in keeping with the challenges of the I-SITE Lorraine University of Excellence initiative driven by Université de Lorraine. Centred around computer science and mathematics and how they interact with other disciplines that have been transformed by digital, the areas of focus are as follows:

  1. Algorithmic intelligence and applications,
  2. Hardware-software convergence and applications, with a focus on robotics and advanced manufacturing,
  3. Digital health,
  4. Modelling, digital simulation and control/supervision for industrial applications.

This agreement will promote risk-taking in research and will enable the deployment of a proactive policy to attract the most talented scientists to the Lorraine research site. This partnership will also encourage and support startups and help to develop new agreements with major industrial partners. It will also strengthen cooperation between Université de Lorraine's and Inria’s research and innovation support services, with the goal being to provide the best possible support to researchers and their initiatives.

Contacts for press enquiries :

Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine : Justine Galet 

Université de Lorraine : Fanny Lienhardt