Inria's Scientific Board

Changed on 13/01/2025

Responsible for clarifying the research policy of Inria, the Scientific Board plays a role as consultant and expert to assist the Board of Directors.

M. Hermenegildo
Coll. part.

Its role

Composed of 15 members appointed for renewable five-year terms, the Scientific Board gives its opinion on the major outlines of Inria’s science policy, such as the Strategic Plan.

  • It formulates recommendations based on evaluations of Inria’s areas of research. It also issues opinions on the development of the research centres.
  • It ensures consistency between changes in activity and the scientific programmes conducted at Inria.
  • The Scientific Board rules on the appointment and re-appointment of research centre directors in coordination with the Board of Directors.

he Scientific Board is currently led by Manuel Hermenegildo, Professor at the Technical University of Madrid, who was appointed on 9 November 2017. He takes over from Kurt Mehlhorn, who had held the post since 2015.

Its composition

15 members (for a renewable term of office of four years).


Appointed members

  • 2 representatives from the fields of computer science and automation;
  • 2 representatives chosen from among the users of computer science and automation;
  • 6 scientists, from among whom the chairman is appointed;
  • 1 representative from the Ministry of Defence;


Elected members

  • 4 representatives of the scientific staff, engineers, technicians, and administrative staff.

His members

Appointed members

  • Manuel Hermenegildo (Director) - Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid;
  • Gilles Barbier - Chairman and CEO of Zenaton and founder of the startup Infinitic;
  • Isabelle Bloch - Professor at Télécom Paris;
  • Marc Duranton - Researcher at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA);
  • Patrick Johnson - Director of Scientific Research of Dassault Systèmes;
  • Matthieu Ratiéville - Deputy Head of Strategy and Defence Technologies at the French Defence Innovation Agency;
  • Patrick Thiran - Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Communications, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL);
  • Axel Van Lamsweerde - Professor at the Department of Computer Science and researcher at Icteam (Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics) Catholic University of Louvain;
  • Barbara Wohlmuth - Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich.

Elected researcher members

Guillaume Pallez (Inria Centre at Rennes University)Marianne Akian (Inria Saclay Centre)
Liliana CUCU (Inria Paris Centre)Daniel Augot (Inria Saclay Centre)
George Drettakis (Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur)Rosane Ushirobira (Inria Centre at the University of Lille)


Elected ITA members (engineers, technicians and administrative staff)

Laetitia Grimaldi (SGEN CFDT)Jean-Luc Szpyrka (SGEN CFDT)