Let’s take a closer look at Quantificare, an Inria spin-off looking to become a leader in skin imaging.
Publish on 20/01/2020
We have developed two business units: one specialising in clinical studies, and the other in 3D systems for plastic surgeons and aesthetic dermatologists.
Our initial aim was to develop new types of medication using this imaging technology, but we ended up taking an unexpected turn and moving towards plastic surgery and aesthetic dermatology. When it came to developing products for specialists, we opted for 3D systems for plastic surgeons and aesthetic dermatologists.
As a result, our company has a wellbeing dimension and a health dimension - which remains prominent within the company.
We very much appreciated Inria’s professionalism in the implementation of industrial transfer agreements, which really helped us get the company off the ground. We didn’t need support in terms of incubation, but this has become increasingly important at Inria and I feel it will be a considerable factor for all companies that have developed after us.
We have just set up a Cifre grant with the Epione team run by Nicholas Ayache, and we are moving towards a second research phase at Inria that is of great interest to us: artificial intelligence applied to imaging. This offers a wide range of applications, whether it’s for clinical studies or in the support we provide to plastic surgeons and aesthetic dermatologists.