A Light communication demo at SIDO exhibition


Changed on 03/01/2020

SIDO IoT-AI-Robotics exhibition will take place on April 10th and 11th in Lyon. On this occasion, Inria will be present with a dozen demos, projects, or start-ups on the themes of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence or robotics. Inria start-ups illustrate the institute's ability to amplify the economic impact of bold research projects and innovative solutions. The project-team Fun will present a demo around light communication.
© Inria / Photo C. Morel



SIDO, the founding event of the IoT industry decompartmentalizes the technological world and announces for its 5th edition a unique event in Europe combining IoT, IA & robotics!

From bricks to solutions, SIDO drives innovation and federates three convergent ecosystems for connected, autonomous and ever smarter projects.

Take part in this great meeting "Technologies & Markets", which will be held on 10 & 11 April 2019 in Lyon, Cité Internationale.

Find Inria on the SIDO showroom at stand W225.

Visible light communication

Valérie Loscri and Antonio Costanzo, respectively a researcher and an engineer on the Fun project team, will present a demo around VLC (Visible Light Communication


This demo will highlight VLC (Visual Light Communication) technology based on a software-defined approach with USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral or Universal Software Radio Peripheral).

It illustrates the ability of the system to adapt to different environmental conditions, such as the nature of the light (artificial or natural), which has an impact on the quality of communication.

Through the transmission of images and / or text, the demonstrator will show how dynamic change of parameters in real time (coding techniques) can improve the quality of communication.