Press release

Lille teams are carrying out an IHU project on the prevention of metabolic-inflammatory diseases


Changed on 09/11/2022

With the PRIME (Preventing Inflammatory - Metabolic Diseases) project, the University Hospital of Lille, the University of Lille, INSERM, the Pasteur Institute of Lille, and Inria are applying for the IHU 3 call for projects from the National Research Agency. PRIME's ambition is to revolutionize prevention, care, and research on metabolic-inflammatory diseases, with an innovative strategy, from the earliest age.

Revolutionising chronic disease prevention and care

logo prime

PRIME is a multidisciplinary project on prevention, care and research into inflammatory metabolic diseases (IMD). These diseases include mutually aggravating conditions: obesity
diabetes, NASH and inflammatory digestive, skin and autoimmune diseases. Their incidence has been steadily increasing over the past 30 years and the Hauts-de-France region has the highest prevalence in France.
prevalence in France. These diseases are characterised by the key role of the interaction between dysmetabolism and inflammation (called meta-inflammation) in their physiopathology, their severity, their complications, their comorbidity and their resistance to disease, co-morbidities and resistance to treatment.

Based on a holistic approach, PRIME will include patients, with a target of 2,000 inclusions per year, in a unique database and bio-bank, to feed basic and translational research.
translational research. All these data will be integrated into health data warehouses. This approach will lead to innovative biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as to new therapeutic targets capable of offering real precision medicine and prevention. The ambition is to enable patients with IMD to have a normal life expectancy, without disability, and to reduce the consequences of these diseases and their complications, based on innovative research programmes:

  •  Primary prevention in newborns (1000 days of life programme) and secondary prevention in populations at risk of IMD, with a human and social science component to remove barriers to the implementation of these programmes;
  • Tertiary prevention and care, based on the strong link between the city and the hospital, in the primary care environment, with follow-up after leaving the IHU.

Gathering forces to innovate

By submitting the IHU PRIME application to the IHU3 call for projects, the founding members, Lille University Hospital, the University of Lille, INSERM, the Pasteur Institute of Lille and Inria, are pursuing the ambition of reducing the repercussions of these diseases and their complications, by relying on multidisciplinary clinical and research teams recognized at an international level.
The IHU PRIME will be coordinated by the University Hospital of Lille and led by Prof. David Launay, a physician, and researcher specializing in internal medicine and clinical immunology, and accompanied within a restricted project group by Prof. Frédéric Gottrand, a physician and researcher specializing in pediatrics and prevention, and by Prof. Philippe Froguel, a physician and researcher specializing in metabolic and genomic diseases.
The founders of the PRIME UHI are supported in this process by several partners: CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lille, UTC de Compiègne, Fondation de l'Université de Lille, and Eurasanté. PRIME is financially supported by the Hauts-de-France Region and the European Metropolis of Lille.

What is a UHI?

The mission of the University Hospital Institutes is to :

  •  to improve care and prevention practices;
  •  to integrate care, research, and training for the benefit of patients, from basic research to marketed therapeutic innovations;
  •  to enhance the value of the IHU's discoveries with a strong public-private partnership;
  •  to strengthen the local influence and attractiveness of the region;
  •  to have an impact on health policies.

Call for expressions of interest Biocluster

logo Eurasanté 2030

In addition to the IHU, Lille's ecosystem of research, care, industry, and training has joined forces in a collective application led by Eurasanté, in response to the AMI Biocluster.

The aim? To create a Biocluster of international scope focused on the prevention and management of chronic diseases.

This project, with a total budget of €293 million, will create 14 technological platforms over the next five years:

  • 1 population platform to accelerate the development of innovations for patients throughout their care pathway;
  • 9 platforms and services to accelerate the development of products or services, from research to preclinical and clinical validation;
  • 1 interventional prevention demonstrator;
  • 3 platforms to support the development of companies.

The final objective and the complementarity of the IHU PRIME and Biocluster Eurasanté 2030 projects will be to transform prevention, care, and research on chronic diseases, in particular metabolic-inflammatory diseases, and the training of all players.

Joining forces for a major public health issue

Chronic diseases are a major health issue. 20 million people in France are affected by them, 10 million of whom suffer from metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity) and associated inflammatory diseases. As a partner in the Eurasanté 2030 Biocluster application, the PRIME IHU aims to rethink the management of these patients and innovate both in terms of prevention and treatment. To this end, it will bring together teams from Lille of international stature, thus making it possible to coordinate the largest national research campus dedicated to chronic diseases.

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Communication assistant at the Lille University Hospital

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