A look back on the Science and Music Day
Publish on 22/01/2020
A program for all ages, orchestrated by researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students, postdoctoral and artists from here and abroad.
A day of immersion in the heart of Science and Music with:
Workshops that allowed children and adults alike to participate:
Stands presenting a prototype of a laser harp, an audiovisual diving into the world of silence and a software to recompose tubes from the structure of music pieces.
Workshops in the village interactif allowed visitors to take the place of a conductor in the middle of a choir of burlesque skulls, to immerse themselves with a virtual reality headset, in a faithful reconstruction of the Rennes opera or to dive into the heart of a collaborative musical experience in virtual reality.
Conferences led by scientists who dealt with the challenge of playing just to music, an archaeological and acoustic encounter and finally the use of Antescofo technologies from its beginnings to a general public application.
This day of discoveries and exchanges was followed by the OOZ BAND band , a musical performance by VIS INSITA and finally by the much awaited concert of DOUR LE POTTIER and their guests Youenn Lange and Parveen Khan .