Science in society

Inria MOOCS have reached half a million registrants!


Changed on 06/12/2023

In 2014, Inria launched its first MOOC on the FUN platform. Eight years later, no less than half a million people have registered for the institute's courses, with 48,000 certificates issued.
Moocs inria


Since the launch of the first Inria MOOC on Fun in 2014, Inria has created 26 online courses covering a wide range of topics in Computer Science and Digital Sciences, aimed at a wide variety of profiles. They are aimed at a "general public" for introductory and discovery MOOCs, and at engineers and specialists for MOOCs on specific research topics.

What is a MOOC?

MOOCs, "Massive Open Online Courses" are, as their name indicates, interactive training courses given online and open to all, with registration.

In most of its MOOCS, Inria is committed to enriching the distance learning experience through the development of innovative learning environments: online programming with jupyter notebooks, a practical interface for remote control of connected objects, a test platform, an accessible MOOC reader, etc. Online courses that are, for the most part, open to permanent registration (self-paced).

Result 8 years later: more than half a million registrants and 48,000 certificates issued!

Courses for all tastes

Our most techno MOOC? Scikit Learn, a world-renowned AI software library for learning to program and interpret machine learning results.

The most popular? Python, which has been running since 2014 with two MOOC versions, and still tens of thousands of registrants.

The most open to society? Privacy in the Digital World, Artificial Intelligence with Intelligence, Environmental Impacts of Digital, Citizen Participation, to understand the challenges of the digital world.

The most useful for teachers?  The MOOCS the Thymio robot, Initiate to teaching in NTS, Digital and Computer Sciences dedicated to teaching digital in class.

Most useful to students and PhDs? Reproducible research to adopt truly open and transparent research tools and methods.

Most resourceful? Technological challenges of participatory smart cities, Bioinformatics, Semantic Web and Web of Data, Relational Databases, the Internet of Things on microcontrollers, Internet Measurements to best train our engineers and decision makers.

The most difficult and challenging ? Code-Based Cryptography, Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles, Binaural Hearing for Robots to transfer research results more widely.

The most accessible?  Digital Accessibility!  Or how to make digital technology as accessible as possible to people with disabilities or learning difficulties.

And the most recognized? Pharo, a really cool object-oriented programming language! So everyone can find an Inria MOOC to suit them to learn about computer science!

"We are committed to designing online training systems that are open to all, combining the scientific expertise of Inria's research teams with innovative learning technologies. Our goal is to train every citizen in digital science and technology and to contribute to the competitiveness of French companies by training engineers," says Jean-Marc Hasenfratz, head of the Scientific Education and Media Department.


Nous sommes attachés à concevoir des dispositifs de formation en ligne, ouverts à tous, associant l’expertise scientifique des équipes de recherche Inria et les technologies innovantes d’apprentissage. Notre objectif est de pouvoir former chaque citoyen et citoyenne aux sciences et technologies du numérique ainsi que de contribuer à la compétitivité des entreprises françaises, par la formation des ingénieures et ingénieurs.


Jean-Marc Hasenfratz


Responsable du Service Éducation et Médiation Scientifiques

Find all of our Inria MOOCS