Health - Personalised Healthcare

NeurInfo Platform: Advanced MRI for Research and Clinic


Changed on 16/04/2020

The Neurinfo platform focuses on the field of in vivo human imaging and neuroinformatics, particularly in the case of diseases of the nervous system.

The Neurinfo platform is open to a broad community of medical and scientific users at the regional, national and international levels.
In late 2018, Neurinfo was equipped with a new Magnetic Resonance Imager (MRI), which now enables it to acquire more data in less time and to observe human tissue in more detail.

Neurinfo is a platform common with Inria, CNRS, Université de Rennes 1 and CHU de Rennes . Associated with Eugène Marquis,  it is supported by Empenn Inserm-Inria unit/project-team .