
Opening of the Mooc live object programming in Pharo


Changed on 16/11/2020

If you are either a beginner or an expert in object-oriented programming, this Mooc will change the way you program with objects: come and learn or rediscover object-oriented programming with Pharo!
Personnes faisant de la programmation sur ordinateurs et téléphone mobiles.
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

New Mooc based on Pharo version 8.0

Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language in the tradition of Smalltalk. It offers a unique developing experience in constant interaction with live objects. Pharo is elegant, fun to use and very powerful. It is very easy to learn and enables to understand advanced concept in a natural way. When programming in Pharo, you are immersed in a world of live objects. You have immediate feedback at any moment of your development on objects representing web applications, code itself, graphics, network…

Pharo is also a very powerful open-source environment used by companies to develop web applications.

Throughout this Mooc* you will:

  • learn how to program in Pharo;
  • be immersed in a live environment and live a new programming experience;
  • develop a web application to apply the different aspects of Pharo presented in the course.

The Mooc starts with an optional sequence for Newbies to introduce the basics on object-oriented programming.

All along this Mooc, we present more specifically Pharo’s Web stack which changes the way you build web applications.

In addition we present fundamental programming concepts and how Pharo uses them. We present some coding idioms and Design Patterns to better design object-oriented applications. Such concepts can be applied to any object-oriented programming language.

This Mooc is intended for people with a programming experience but everyone motivated could follow the course thanks to the numerous resources proposed. it also has an interest for computer programming teachers: Pharo is a good teaching tool for object-oriented programming and the course will discuss object-oriented design principles (e.g. polymorphism, message sending, self/super, design patterns).

This Mooc will also provide a new vision of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming, i.e. polymorphism and late binding.

The class is offered fully in French and English. The videos, in French or English, are subtitled in French, English, and also in Japanese and Spanish.

The Mooc is open for one year, from November 9, 2020 to November 8, 2021 and gives you the opportunity to take the course at your own speed!


* Mooc : Massive Open Online Course.

Register before November 7, 2021 to participate at this new session!

Subscription to the Mooc “Live Object Programming in Pharo”