Scientific mediation

Opening of the Terra Numerica@Sophia space


11 June 2022
Location :
Sophia Antipolis

1 place Bermond , 06560 Valbonne

Changed on 28/07/2022

The inauguration of the TerraNumerica@Sophia building in Valbonne on June 11, 2022, in the presence of Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Inria's Deputy CEO for Science, brought together science lovers and institutions around this new emblematic place for the dissemination of digital sciences, which capitalizes on many years of collective experience in this field.
It is a concrete response to the need for society to understand and appropriate digital sciences: to raise awareness and responsibility for the issues at stake, to develop scientific thinking and to encourage vocations for girls and boys through original and fun educational workshops to make science fun.
Cérémonie d'ouverture de l'inauguration du bâtiment terraNumerica@Sophia

A new emblematic place for the dissemination of digital sciences

TerraNumerica@Sophia is a building of just over 500 square meters dedicated to the dissemination of digital science culture (foundations, applications, issues...), provided by the city of Valbonne Sophia Antipolis. It is a precursor to the future Cité du Numérique planned for 2025 in Sophia Antipolis. The TerraNumerica@Sophia space is open to the general public and to schoolchildren for class visits, training courses, family visits or visits with friends.

The Terra Numerica project

Terra Numerica is a large-scale, federative project, led by the CNRS, Inria and Université Côte d'Azur, bringing together the French Ministry of Education and a range of partners in the digital sciences (research laboratories, associations and scientific mediation projects) with the aim of creating an original, attractive and unique system for disseminating and sharing information between digital actors. This system includes various Partner Spaces throughout the Côte d'Azur.



  • Contribute to the understanding and appropriation of digital sciences by citizens and society: to awaken curiosity and promote the scientific approach, to share our enthusiasm and wonder for digital sciences and their challenges, to accompany teachers and mediators towards new learning methods.
  • Raise citizens' awareness of the scientific, environmental, ethical and socio-economic issues related to digital technology: to present and explain the most recent research and innovations (academic and industrial) in the digital sciences and their impacts.
  • Encourage scientific vocations among girls and boys: sweep away preconceived ideas, reconcile students with difficulties with science, and stimulate students with high potential.
  • Involve as many people as possible in digital developments: attract the general public to participatory science, allow everyone to influence research and innovations of tomorrow.

The collective

The Terra Numerica project is led by a group of members who all have expertise in scientific mediation, the creation of experiments and interactive devices, research in educational sciences, the organization of events, communication, training

Fun and educational workshops

Terra Numerica mainly works for the general public, schoolchildren and teachers by offering more than twenty workshops and conferences: games in graphs, binary and magic, life-size algorithms, the Web surfer game, etc. And new original workshops to discover on the day: a model of the digital city, a spherical screen, the Tsunami Lab workshop, Escape Game Combinatoire, and many others.

Some pictures of the event