

Tools for resolutions in algebra, geometry and their applications
Tools for resolutions in algebra, geometry and their applications

OURAGAN focus on the transfer of computational algebraic methods to some related fields (computational geometry, topology, number theory, etc.) and some carefully chosen application domains (robotics, control theory, evaluation of the security of cryptographic systems, etc.).

We are working equally on the use (modeling, know – how) and on the development of new algorithms.

An original aspect of the OURAGAN is to blend into an environment of fundamental mathematics, at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu — Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG CNRS 7586), and to be cross-functional to several teams (Algebraic Analysis, Complex Analysis and Geometry, Number Theory to name only the main ones).

Centre(s) inria

Inria Paris Centre

In partnership with

CNRS,Université Denis Diderot (Paris 7),Sorbonne Université,Université Paris Cité


Team leader

Laurence Bourcier

Team assistant

Julien Guieu

Team assistant
