Semantic Web

Our projects for a creative and responsible web

Changed on 24/04/2022
The 2022 edition of the first international conference on the World Wide Web, TheWebConf takes place from April 25 to 29. Machine learning in music, privacy protection, digital citizenship... Inria presents its panoramic and transversal vision of the Web through three projects.
Pour un web créatif et responsable
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The Web was born in Europe at the end of the 1980s. The consortium that developed it, the W3C, was created at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1994. A few months later, in 1995, Inria became a founding member for Europe. Since the early years of the Web, several Inria project-teams have contributed to building its international standards: CSS style sheets, development of the Amaya browser-editor, the SMIL language which is the basis of MMS on our smartphones, the Web of data and the semantic Web with XML and RDF, etc.

Today, more than 30 of the 200 Inria project teams are directly involved with the Web: its protocols, languages, architecture, content, social networks, services, etc. For example, the PRIVATICS, INDES and SPIRALS teams contribute to security and privacy on the Web, the CEDAR, LINKS, MOEX, TYREX and WIMMICS teams propose models and methods for data exchange and processing on the Web, the COAST, MIMOVE and WIDE teams contribute to improving online collaboration and coordination, etc.

The Web today faces new challenges, not only scientific and technological, but also political and philosophical. The governance of the W3C is more than ever at the center of attention. Inria will be attentive to ensure that W3C continues to be able to preserve the major fundamental principles of the Web, starting with the provision of international and open standards for universal identification, extensible representation and the free and respectful exchange of resources on a global scale. In particular, the development of new technologies that guarantee neutrality, security, and respect for personal data is more necessary than ever.


On all these subjects, Inria will continue to invest, in the style that has always been its own, by being both a contributor to research and development at the global level, an actor in the international governance of the W3C, and by actively participating in major academic events such as TheWebConf.


Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau


Deputy CEO for Science

Vie privée gaming online

Mobile gaming: protecting privacy online

Does the presence of data collection programs in many games available on smartphones threaten our privacy?

Projet Wasabi Michel Buffa

How machine learning is connecting music online

Using audio analysis, semantic web and machine learning tools, researchers from the Université Côte d'Azur, Inria and the CNRS have created a unique music database.

Projet démocratie participative

Can digital help to promote civic engagement?

In recent years, digital technology and social networks have revolutionized participatory democracy, where physical meetings were previously the rule. The major challenge is to make various tools of citizen engagement work together.