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Quantum Computing Architectures Algorithms Applications and their Theory (QAT)
Quantum Computing Architectures Algorithms Applications and their Theory (QAT)
Quantum information processing is about finding algorithms and protocols 
hat can solve problems more efficiently than their classical counterparts by
storing and manipulating information with quantum systems. Algorithms and
protocols play a central role in the development of the field: Shor's
factorization algorithm has sparked interest in building quantum computers,
and the algorithmic approach to quantum error correction has opened a
practical path to such computers.

This central role of applications thus suggests that quantum computing
scientists should continue to fuel the development of the field accordingly. 
To do so, it is essential to reach out to:
  •  end-users to design new functionalities that help solve practical problems;
  • experimentalists to design applications that are aware of  their technical limitations and also to guide the development of devices that are better adapted to implementing some of the new functionalities.

Within this context and vision, our approach is to focus our research efforts
on architectures, algorithms and applications. The reason is that applications
are what motivates the interest in quantum information processing, while
algorithms and architectures are their necessary enablers that must play
with one another.

Following this duality, we have constructed a research program that will
seek (i) to provide new functionalities that can be unlocked thanks to quantum
information processing theory, and (ii) to design and implement applications
adapted to devices' limitations.

Inria teams involved



Harold Ollivier

Scientific leader
