Communication - Event

EURASIP - IEEE SPS Summer School on Remote Sensing and Microscopy Image Processing

29 July – 2 August 2024
Location :
Université de Pannonie

Egyetem utca 2 , 8200 Veszprem

Changed on 08/10/2024
This summer school is organized in honor of Josiane Zerubia, by her former students. Internationally recognized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (Fellow) and by EURASIP (Fellow), Research Director of exceptional class at Inria, Knight of the Order of Merit in France, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Szeged in Hungary, Josiane is at the origin of major advances in the field of remote sensing using stochastic models. She has dedicated a large part of her long and brilliant career to the supervision or co-supervision of more than a hundred French and foreign doctoral and post-doctoral students, some of whom have won prestigious awards. She is currently head of AYANA exploratory research group, an interdisciplinary project using knowledge in stochastic modeling, image processing, artificial intelligence, remote sensing and embedded electronics/computing.
sur la télédétection et le traitement d'images microscopiques

Teledection and microscopic imaging: not so different approaches?

The main focus of the Summer School is on image and signal processing methods applied for remote sensing and microscopy imaging. While these two topics seem far away from each other, in reality there is a considerable overlap between the problems and techniques applied to these fields. The reason is that in both cases the ratio of the size of objects that we are observing and the distance from where images are taken is extremely small. Many of the invited lecturers were actively involved in the research of both domains, sometimes adopting the same methodology for both problems.

Main topics:

  • probabilistic graphical models
  • CNNs and deep learning
  • semantic segmentation
  • object detection (e.g. single cell extraction, road network detection,...)
  • biodiversity tracking
  • radar remote sensing
  • aspects of polarization
  • shape models
  • multimodal data fusion
  • marked point process
  • synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
  • ship and ship wake detection
  • single cell-based large-scale microscopy
  • machine learning methods to identify various cellular phenotypes

Targeted public

SSRM is organized for graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs and young researchers from all over the world! 

Participants will benefit from direct interaction and discussions with world leaders in the domain and also have the possibility to present their research, and to interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly international environment. 

The lectures will be given by world renowned experts from both academia and industry, and will cover theoretical and practical aspects of image processing for Remote Sensing and Miscroscopy.

In the afternoons students work in teams and solve an assignment of reviewing and analyzing State of the Art of a particular topic. On the last day of the Summer School, there will be an exam about the lecture topics as well as teams present their results to fellow participants and an evaluation committee (selected from lecturers). The best works are awarded prizes. Students will receive a certificate of attending the Summer School and passing the exam. This Summer School is accepted as a special PhD course by several Universities.

Invited speakers

Alin Achim, University of Bristol, UK

Csaba Benedek, HUN-REN SZTAKI, Hungary

Avik Bhattacharya, IIT Bombay, India

Laure Blanc-Féraud, CNRS-Laboratoire I3S, France

Xavier Descombes, Inria, France

Peter Horvath, BRC, Szeged, Hungary

Ian H. Jermyn, University of Durham, UK

Gabriele Moser, University of Genoa, Italy

Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Pasteur Institute, France

Tamas Sziranyi, SZTAKI, Budapest, Hungary

Guest star: Josiane Zerubia, Inria, France
