
The “Test of Time” Award, a tribute to visionary research


Changed on 12/12/2024

Winner of the prestigious “Test of Time” award, Tamara Rezk takes us behind the scenes of a method that changed the face of cybersecurity and, 20 years on, remains an essential reference.

Award for a revolutionary idea

The “Test of Time” award, recently awarded to Tamara Rezk, recognizes a fundamental research work published 20 years ago, now considered a major breakthrough in the field of cybersecurity. This theoretical paper, written during her thesis in collaboration with Pedro R. D'Argenio and Gilles Barthe, overcame a major limitation of software verification tools.

At the time, she had developed a method for using tools originally intended for safety properties to prove security-related properties such as confidentiality and integrity. This was a real revolution in the field, opening up unprecedented perspectives.


This made it possible to open the door to tools that were previously unusable for security.

Today, this method is still used to analyze attacks on recent microprocessors. This award underlines the influence of fundamental research that continues to transform practices.

Recognition for long-term impact

The “Test of Time” award highlights the ability of a scientific article to stand the test of time. This type of distinction is rare, rewarding research that proves its enduring relevance.


It was a purely theoretical article, but it opened a door that has remained open ever since.

This award also underlines the importance of fundamental research. Although at the time of its publication, the theoretical importance of this method was obvious, its practical applications gradually came to light, highlighting its concrete impact.



Tamara Resk

Director of research, Head of the Splits research team

2004, route des Lucioles , 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis

Secure Information Flow by Self-Composition par Gilles Barthe, Pedro R. D'Argenio, and Tamara Rezk Published in CSFW 2004