Two awards for Diverse project-team atSLE 2018 international conference


Changed on 22/11/2019

Diverse Inria project-team has won two awards at SLE 2018 international conference, in november at Boston (USA).

  • Distinguished vision paper award for the article "Modular Language Composition for the Masses " by Manuel Leduc (PhD student PEC, Univ. Rennes 1, DiverSE research team), Thomas Degueule (post-doctoral CWI, and PhD student Univ. Rennes 1 in DiverSE team) and Benoît Combemale (professor at Université de Toulouse, and Inria researcher, DiverSE team).
  • Distinguished artifact award for the article "Shape-Diverse DSLs: Languages without Borders " by Fabien Coulon (PhD student, CIFRE with Obeo , DiverSE team), Thomas Degueule (post-doctoral CWI, et PhDstudent at Université de Rennes 1 in DiverSE team), Tijs van der Storm (CWI researcher), Benoît Combemale (professor at Université de Toulouse, and Inria researcher, DiverSE team).