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Digital security, augmented reality, Medtech, data analysis: our startups at Vivatech!


Changed on 19/04/2023

From protection against ransomware and malicious intrusions to the optimization of energy-hungry applications, not to mention EdTech and MedTech, Inria's startups cover a broad spectrum of digital challenges. Fifteen startups, supported by Inria Startup Studio, will be present at Vivatech from June 15 to 18, 2022. Come and discover them in preview!
Inria à VivaTech 2022
© Inria / Photo M.A Enard

Inria Startup Studio allows ambitious projects to flourish

Inria has set up a pre-creation Startup Studio to encourage the emergence of entrepreneurial projects that mobilize concepts, know-how and technologies from digital sciences and research work. The aim of this Startup Studio is to provide an opportunity for project leaders to explore in a dedicated framework, designed for them and built on the two pillars of Inria's support for startup projects: financing and coaching.

Project leaders who are motivated by the desire to create a company based on their ideas and work, who are able to implement the technological elements themselves, and who are ready to commit themselves to the subject for one year on a full-time basis are eligible. The Startup Studio is both a program for project leaders and an organization spread over the nine Inria centers. 

Since 2019, nearly 90 projects have been supported by the Startup Studio. Here are a few examples!


EdTech and Medtech

Co-Idea CARDS Environnement de réalité augmentée spatiale pour le travail collaboratif

Co-Idea: bringing augmented reality into the classroom

Startup Pulse

Pulse Audition: enabling the hard of hearing to hold conversations in noisy environments

Digital security

Daspren, rempart contre les ransomwares

Daspren : innovative defence against ransomware

Equipe de Malizen

Malizen start-up visualizes intrusions into IT systems

Optimization of embedded systems

Startup STatinf

Statinf - checking the cores of embedded systems

Personne qui tient un smartphone et un ordinateur qui affichent des données de consommation

Yubik: optimising the development of embedded applications

Analysis and data protection

Startup Flitsport

Flit Sport, personalised training for runners

La startup Nijta innove pour protéger les données vocales

Nijta inmoves way of protecting voice data