The Web Conference will take place in Lyon from 23rd to 27th April


Publish on 28/01/2020

From 23-27 April, Inria is taking part in the 27th edition of the most prestigious international conference on the Web, The Web Conference, which this year is organised by the University of Lyon in partnership with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional council and the Lyon metropolitan authority, in collaboration with the Digital League and IW3C2. Fabien Gandon, leader of the Wimmics project-team, is co-president of the 2017 edition.


The Web conference 2018

The Web Conference is an unmissable event to discover the future of the Web with visionary keynotes and the presentation of scientific research on the uses of digital technology, its societal impacts as well as emerging technologies. It is also the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies on subjects such as the Internet of Things, recommendation, referencing and artificial intelligence.

Created in 1994 in Geneva, The International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) was the first scientific conference for Web subjects. Since then, the event has continued to evolve and to bring together an increasing number of experts during its annual edition which is organised alternatively in Europe, Asia, Oceania and on the African continent (the 2017 edition took place in Perth in Australia).

This year, an exceptional number of applications were received concerning the scientific research themes: 1,461 subjects (abstracts) were proposed by 4,852 authors from 62 countries, and more than 1,150 scientific papers were submitted (an increase of 60% compared to a usual edition). Over 2,500 participants are expected to attend.

Inria is a conference partner and numerous researchers from the institute have actively participated in the organisation of the conference. They will be taking part in scientific conferences and will be there to present their work to you on the Inria stand, at number 27.

Discover the programme!

The Inria scientific conferences

The Inria demos

  • Tuesday 24: Loic Rouch from the RESIST team will take control of a wireless network based on the Z-wave protocol
  • Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25: the start-up Mnemotix originating from Inria research projects
  • Wednesday 25: the PRIVATICS team will explain how, with thetracking of your smartphone's Wi-Fi, your private data can be made public
  • Thursday 26: Philippe Preux from the SEQUEL team will present the GuessWhat?! application - an interactive game enabling the identification of objects by asking a series of questions
  • Thursday 26: Jean-François Abramatic will present Software Heritage, the universal software archive
  • Thursday 26: Tommaso Venturini from the DANTE team will propose a demo onfake news
  • Friday 27: Nikita Drovnik from the THOTH team will present a demo on the detection of objects in images
  • Friday 27: Michel Buffa from the WIMMICS team will demonstrate the WASABI project on a guitar tube amplifier and some audio effects recreated in a Web page