Scientific Prize

Celebrate the Inria 2023 Prizes!


Changed on 05/12/2023

Since twelve years, Inria has been awarding its awards every year, in recognition of the pioneering spirit, progress and achievements of those who are driving digital science and technology forward. This year, Gilles Dowek, Julian Mairal and the digital cardiology team are being celebrated!
© Cassanas Simon - Académie des sciences


Each year, Inria rewards three researchers or research teams for their scientific work. The three scientific Prizes are awarded in partnership with the French Academy of Sciences and Dassault Systèmes:

  • The Inria - Académie des sciences Grand Prize. This prize is given to a scientist, working in a French institution or emeritus of a French institution, who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of computer science and mathematics.
  • The Inria - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes Innovation Prize. This prize is presented to a scientist, or a team of scientists (maximum six people), working in a French establishment or emeritus of a French establishment, who have been particularly active in the field of transfer and innovation in computer and mathematical sciences.
  • The Inria - Académie des sciences young researcher Prize. This prize is awarded to a scientist under the age of forty, working in a French institution, who has made a major contribution to the field of computer science and mathematics through his or her research, transfer or innovation activities.
Portrait de Gilles Dowek

Gilles Dowek

Gilles Dowek wins the Inria - French Academy of Sciences Grand Prize.

Médecin opérant à l'aide d'un jumeau numérique

Cardiologie Numérique Personnalisée

The digital cardiology team is awarded the Inria - French Academy of Sciences Innovation Prize.

Portrait Julien Mairal

Julien Mairal

The Inria - French Academy of Sciences young researcher Prize is awarded to Julien Mairal.


Watch the prizes ceremony at the French Academy of Sciences