Artificial intelligence

How artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work


Publish on 04/02/2025

How is artificial intelligence transforming work? What challenges does it pose in terms of employment and skills? Find out in this dossier how Inria is exploring these questions.
IA et travail


By automating certain tasks, changing the skills required and influencing the way companies are organised, artificial intelligence is profoundly reshaping our relationship to employment. Inria is playing a central role in these technological changes. Through its research and collaborations, the institute is contributing to a better understanding of current (and future) changes in the workplace as a result of the development of AI.

This dossier offers an in-depth look at these changes, based on the research and initiatives carried out by Inria. In particular, it looks at the impact of AI on work, the initial results of LaborIA, and the economic and societal issues associated with these transformations.

Find out more about our research in this field

Yann Ferguson

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Visuel enquête LaborIA

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