Exploratory action


Adaptive Meshes for Model Order Reduction
Adaptive Meshes for Model Order Reduction

Mesh adaptation and Model Order Reduction both aim at reducing significantly the computational cost of numerical simulations by taking advantage of the solution's features. Reduced Order Modelling is a method that builds lighter surrogate models of a system's response over a range of parameters, which is particularly useful in the solution of design and optimization inverse problems. Reduced-order models rely on a high-fidelity (e.g., finite element) approximation that should be sufficiently accurate over the whole range of parameters considered: in presence of  structures such as shocks and boundary layers, standard mesh refinement techniques would lead to high-fidelity models of intractable size. In this project, we propose a novel adaptive procedure to simultaneously construct a high-fidelity mesh (and associated discretisation) and a reduced-order model for a range of parameters, with particular emphasis on inverse problems in computational fluid dynamics.

Inria teams involved



Nicolas Barral

Scientific leader

Tommaso Taddei

Scientific co-leader