Exploratory action

Back In Time

Baliser l’Analyse CryptographiK de lettres anciennes grâce à l’INtelligence artifi-cielle : Technique et IMplémentation Exploratoire
Baliser l’Analyse CryptographiK de lettres anciennes grâce à l’INtelligence artifi-cielle : Technique et IMplémentation Exploratoire

Get ready to uncover unexpected plots and secrets as old as time! BACK IN TIME brings together the expertise of researchers in three fields - artificial intelligence, cryptography and history - to decipher encrypted historical letters, some of which have lain dormant for several centuries. Given the sheer number of pages and the variety of symbols and rules involved, our aim is to develop a software package to assist or even automate the deciphering of documents frome the ancient, medieval and modern history.

Inria teams involved



Cécile Pierrot

Scientific leader

Thibault Clerice

Scientific co-leader