Creating synergies around educational projects with a digital dimension


Changed on 19/05/2021

The Bordeaux Education Authority and the Inria Bordeaux–Sud-Ouest Centre have renewed their partnership for three years in order to develop educational projects in the digital sciences, the fight against dropping out of school and in favour of equal opportunities.
signature convention

It is seen as a long-term action by both organisations and draws on their joint involvement in the PERSEVERONS project “Keeping young people in school with/through digital objects” within the framework of the“Digital innovation to further educational excellence” call for projects, specifically in the area of eFRAN – “Digital training, research and animation” . 

The new synergies created as a result of this partnership renewal will be harnessed to foster the development of digital sciences in the educational facilities of the Bordeaux Education Authority (scientific mediation), to facilitate the setting up of research projects (experimentation) and to disseminate their results throughout educational structures. Another of its objectives is to make digital services available to the schools and educational institutions, thus extending the range of courses on offer and enabling personalised assistance to be provided for pupils.

Inria, through its project teams, has committed, in particular, to providing the Bordeaux Education Authority with teaching resources for the digital sciences; hosting conferences and demonstrations in the Authority’s primary, secondary and upper secondary schools; and submitting all projects for experiments conducted in classes by its research teams to the Operational Committee for the Assessment of Legal and Ethical Risks (COERLE) in advance. The Bordeaux Education Authority, for its part, will raise awareness of Inria within the educational community (teachers, parents, etc.) across the five departments of its district and encourage direct interaction with Inria, as well as helping to set up experiments and dissemination activities within the classes themselves.

Within the framework of the Framework Law on the Reorganisation of Schools, the Bordeaux Education Authority wishes to facilitate the implementation of practical measures to make broad use of digital technologies for education.