Inria and the Ministry of Culture and Communication sign a new agreement
Changed on 16/04/2020
This agreement aims more specifically to set up cultural research and development projects, drawing on the expertise of Inria, and to organise meetings between cultural players and researchers.
The main objectives will be to:
The technological innovations concerned by the cooperation agreement cover Inria’s field of activity, which includes the following main disciplines: applied mathematics, calculation and simulation; algorithms, programming, software and architectures; networks, systems and services, distributed computing; perception, cognition, interaction.
This latter field is more particularly concerned with applications in multimedia vision, perception and interpretation; interaction and visualisation; the representation and processing of data and knowledge; robotics and intelligent environments; language, speech and audio.
The oversight and coordination of this cooperation are entrusted to a standing experts group, comprising representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Communication and of Inria, more specifically tasked with analysing and evaluating the R&D project proposals submitted to it by the cultural players and with encouraging the sharing of human, technical and financial resources, by whenever possible supporting the amalgamation of various project proposals.
This cooperation will help stimulate the creative interaction between cultural project sponsors, experts and researchers in the digital sciences and technologies and encourage the emergence of new interdisciplinary R&D topics. It will also help overcome the technological obstacles identified in the field of cultural and linguistic applications and/or enable the testing of new usages and innovative concepts, which have both an impact in the cultural sector and are of interest for the digital sciences.
3D reconstitutions of the ancient Syrian heritage, threatened by war, are now available in the Syrian Heritage online database.
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