Science in society

Inria encourages dialogue between science, technology and society

Changed on 11/05/2022

Aware of the importance of disseminating scientific knowledge and culture, Inria has long been committed to fostering a dialogue between science, technology and society: it is on the foundations of this dialogue that we will be able to build together a digital society of trust.

Reflets d'un groupe de personne à l'intérieur d'un édifice
© Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli

Inria and Harris Interactive survey French confidence in digital science and technology

Inria has teamed up with the Harris Interactive Institute to measure the maturity and confidence of the French in digital science and technology. This global barometer (see below in French), unveiled today, is based on a double survey of 2'046 French people. It provides an unprecedented snapshot of the French people's relationship with digital technology. For Inria, the aim is to explore new ways of strengthening the relationship between science and society by meeting the expectations and needs of all publics.

Les enjeux du numérique vus par les Français en 2021
© Inria / Harris Interactive


This barometer highlights a real paradox: on the one hand, the French are very interested in the use of technology and its consequences, particularly in terms of data protection, but on the other hand, they do not show much interest in how these technologies work, and even less in the science behind them. This paradox underlines the importance of disseminating scientific and technological culture in the digital world, and strongly encourages Inria and other public research actors to play a greater role in this area. The evolution of the level of knowledge must enable citizens to act with awareness and responsibility. It is through dissemination that research institutes will contribute to the animation of a dialogue between science and society, for which institutional decision-makers are the keystone. This is a critical issue for building a digital society of trust.


President and CEO of Inria


Bruno Sportisse

Our podcasts (in French)

Vignette podcast Hélène Sauzéon et Didier Roy

What is the purpose of research... in digital education?

Podcast about research in digital education with Hélène Sauzéon and Didier Roy, researchers and members of the Flowers team.

Vignette podcast Stan Borkowski

What is the purpose of research... in digital agriculture?

Focus on research in digital agriculture, with Stan Borkowski, research engineer at the Inria center in Grenoble.

Vignette podcast Rodolphe Thiébaut

What is the purpose of research... in digital health?

Explore digital health research with Rodolphe Thiébaut, head of the SISTM research team and head of the clinical trials unit at Bordeaux University Hospital.

Trame d'illustration du site

Explore digital science!, the online scientific culture journal