

Extended formulations and Decomposition for Generic optimization problems
Extended formulations and Decomposition for Generic optimization problems

Our research interests lie in the field of operations research (O.R.) and integer programming. Our goal is to propose mathematical methods and algorithms for abstract models that can be specialized to address a large number of problems. Our main methodological tools are based on decomposition methods and so-called extended integer programming formulations. Our expected contributions go from theoretical studies of problems and abstract models to algorithms and their efficient implementation in decision-support tools. To maximize our impact, we will develop high-level open- source interfaces for our methods, which will allow them to be used by a larger community of O.R. practitioners and decision makers.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux

In partnership with

Université de Bordeaux,CNRS


Team leader

Marie-Melissandre Roy

Team assistant